Travel Stories

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Just a Quick 34 Hour Trip to Bali

Of course, I was running late… moving out of where I was staying and packing took longer than I thought. But let us be honest, I could have had another week, and somehow I would still be late. And did I mention how hot Las Vegas is? That did not help me move any faster.

Nurse and Nomad
Going to Bali

I just want to take a second and thank my friend, Julie, for watching my car while I’m away. I can’t wait to see pictures of her and her dog driving around with the top down. 

Thankfully my flight was delayed. This gave me time to check out my 2nd favorite (well 3rd favorite) domestic lounge, the Centurion Lounge. I have been there several times but always in the morning before the bar is fully open. 

The food was excellent, and the handcrafted cocktails were on point. The only reason the Centurion Lounges aren’t at the top of my list is they are always packed. If anyone is interested, you can read a great review of the lounge here

I plan to do a whole blog on travel hacking and lounge access, but for now, any American Express Platinum cardholders have access. 

A Little Reminder of Home in the LAX Tunnels

For anyone who frequents LAX, you will be happy to hear that all terminals are now connected airside. No more collecting your luggage, riding a bus, and checking back in at another terminal. I’m pretty sure I walked a few miles, but my ass will thank me later.

Aukland Airport
Aukland Airport

I have never flown Air New Zealand, but it was very nice. Even in economy, the seats were spacious and clean. The food was ehh, but the wine made up for it. I love that any international flight (at least that I have been on) gives free alcohol even way back in 3rd class. 

I had a five-hour layover in Aukland. Strata Lounge has now moved to the top of my international lounge list. I know, I have an obsession with Lounges. Anyway, after a shower, amazing food, and a self-serve bar, I was ready for the next part of my journey. Another 11ish hours and I should be at my hostel. 

Just a Quick 34 Hour Trip to Bali Read More »

Nurse and Nomad

Nurse & Nomad

What the hell am I doing? A few days ago, I posted on social media that I bought a one way ticket to Indonesia. Most of the comments were along the lines of: ‘congrats’, ‘proud of you’ and ‘so jealous.’ Others, mostly by my dad and other concerned family, were: “What are you doing?” Are you quitting nursing?” 

So what am I doing? And what am I thinking? 

I have been an emergency room nurse for 12 years and although, yes, there are some good moments, right now the bad seems to outweigh the good. I am burnt out. I need a break.  

I originally heard the words digital nomad a few years ago and tried every avenue I could think of related to remote nursing jobs. Shockingly, there are not that many you could do from a foreign country. 

For years, I have been talking to friends (and my poor boyfriend) about wanting to run away to some country, sit on a beach and somehow make money. Recently, I was surfing the internet for the millionth time about online jobs when I started to seriously consider teaching english online. I applied with a company called VIPKIDS and made it through the application and interview process.

I wasn’t sure where I was going to go, but I did know it needed 3 requirements: 

  1. A beach 
  2. Far away from home 
  3. Cheap

Bali continually showed up as a top location for digital nomads. Decision made.

Around the same time I finished the hiring process, I was casually looking for flights. I am obsessed with travel hacking and found a flight for low frequent flyer miles on the exact dates I was looking for. It was the only award flight I could find for that month. I had worked all night and was already in bed. Did I have the right date? Was I really going to go to Bali instead of just talking about it? F*** it, I hit confirm. 

Flight to Bali for $12. Done.

So my plan:

I will leave Colorado where I spend my winters working as an ER nurse and go back to Vegas. I will work my per diem job for about 6 weeks, while I get attempt to get my life together. Then on June 20th, I’m out. I plan to be somewhere in Southeast Asia for about two months. After my travels in Southeast Asia, I will most likely return to the US before heading off on another adventure. Im considering this an experiment.

Can I support myself working online? Can I really live in a foreign country for an extended time? How do I get internet? Where do I stay? Etc…. 


Nurse and Nomad

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